Cool Maps
Hi, I'm Diego! Welcome to my personal maps and geospatial experiments.
A closer look to remote villages and their train connections in Germany.
Long-distance trains in Germany during a normal day vs a strike day.
Traffic Simulation and smart-city prototype using MapBox and Threebox.
Overpass API distance-searcher between two facilities or leisure activities.
Spatial analysis of the reduction of levels of air pollution in Germany due to Covid-19 restrictions.
3D Strecke Navigator - Prototype using Cesium and DB Netz open-data
3D Deutsche Bahn logo built with GeoJSON and ThreeJS
Where to go for beer and ping-pong in Frankfurt
Frankfurt geo 3D model with OSM info and GeoJSON
A slider of renders that display the magnitud of the volcanic eruption in La Palma island.
German remote villages and free parking stations journey finder
A QGIS 3D model generated map of the volcanic eruption in La Palma island.